Val, Boxed Rooms and More: An Epic Post of Miniature Proportions
Also a massive post of deeply late proportions. Considering I started taking pictures for this post when Val arrived back in February . Somehow, moving away from Wordpress has made me even worse about getting blog posts done, instead of getting better about it. :( Aaaaaaanyway, so, the saga of Leann and Val began back on the Wordpress version of this blog...but seems to have mostly not been posted at all. *cough* What little did get posted can be seen here . (And wow, Wordpress even changed the way you access your own freaking tags and past posts to make it even harder to navigate if you're on a free account. Don't they wonder why people are dropping them like a red hot brick? Ugh.) The main thing is that Leann and Val are going to be the dolls living in the boxed rooms I'm slowly working on making. They're both 1/12 scale TBLeague Phicen dolls, bought from the Big Bad Toy Store , and although Leann was in stock when I ordered her (being just a